Friday, March 14

Morocco’s FM Calls For More Support To Palestinians To Stop Bloodshed

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Moroccan Foreign Minister Salah Ad-deen Mezwar Saturday called for more support to Palestinian Authority and President Mahmoud Abbas, as well as efforts to stop bloodshed, carrying with the course of establishing a Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital.

Mezwar arrived in Cairo earlier today to take part in the 142nd session of the Arab Foreign Ministers to be held at the headquarters of the Arab League Sunday. Developments of the Palestinian cause are a top issue on the agenda.

He urged more pressure on the international community so that all relevant initiatives would go the direction of establishing a state for the Palestinians.

The foreign ministers meeting will also discuss the threat posed by the terrorist Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), Mezwar said, warning that the country could slip into sectarian strife and division.
“Based on our responsibility, we must counter terrorism and sedition, and whatever threatens tearing the Arab nation apart,” the Minister stressed.

In the meantime, Mezwar called for backing legitimacy in Libya, and the government expected to be formed after a parliament was elected.

In his reply to a question on coordination with Egypt to counter terrorism in light of an in-the-making international coalition top fight it, the Moroccan minister said cooperation is “advanced.

“We are well aware that the ability of terrorism to move exceeds countries’ capabilities and coordination. This is why we are working hard on developing mechanisms of bilateral cooperation to face the phenomenon, Mezwar said.

During talks with Egyptian counterpart Sameh Shoukry in Cairo earlier today, Mezwar lauded Egypt’s efforts that led to a ceasefire between Israel and the Palestinian factions in Gaza, which highlighted Cairo’s pivotal role for handling regional issues.

(end) aff.msa


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