Monday, February 24

Morocco’s 2012 Appropriation Bill Draft Is Developed Based On Oil Average Price Of $100 A Barrel

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Rabat – Morocco’s 2012 appropriation bill draft is developed based on a GDP growth of 4.2%, an inflation rate of 2.5%, an average price of oil of $100 a barrel and an average price of liquid gas of $780 per ton.

Developed on the basis of the commitments contained in the government’s program, the 2012 Budget draft, whose outlines were sketched out on Thursday to members of both Houses of Parliament, is built around three priorities, strengthening rule of law and the consolidation of the principles and instruments of good governance, boosting the foundations of a strong and sustainable growth and the recovery of macroeconomic balances, and ensuring equitable access of citizens to services and basic facilities in accordance with the principles of solidarity and equal opportunities.

Under the 2012 appropriation bill draft, the government will seek to speed up political and institutional reforms and operationalize the principles and good governance mechanisms, particularly through implementing the advanced regionalization, strengthening decentralization, judicial reform and modernization of public administration.



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