Sunday, February 2

Morocco:Co​uncil of Europe to assess anticorrup​tion framework EU to strengthen democratic reform in partner countries

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The Council of Europe has just launched a process of assessment of the legal and institutional anti-corruption framework of Morocco, at a meeting in the capital Rabat. The results of the assessment will enable to fine-tune activities in the fight against corruption and money laundering to be carried out in the second phase of implementation of the jointly funded CoE-EU Programme ”Strengthening democratic reform in the southern Neighbourhood” (South Programme).


According to the Enpi website (, this process is based on the methodology of the Council of Europe’s Group of States against corruption (GRECO), and is conducted by a team of experts in the country who have been appointed by both the Council of Europe and the Moroccan authorities. A draft assessment report will be eventually discussed with the ‘Instance Centrale de Prévention de la Corruption’ (ICPC), the other competent public institutions as well as civil society representatives.


Strengthening democratic reform in the southern Neighbourhood is a joint EU-Council of Europe programme to support partner countries from the southern Mediterranean, engaged in building deep and sustainable democracy. The programme aims at strengthening the independence and efficiency of the judiciary; promoting good governance and preventing corruption and money laundering; combating the problem of trafficking in human beings; and promoting democratic values. (ANSAmed)
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