Monday, February 24

Morocco Will Contribute To Shaping The New OECD Strategy

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Paris – Morocco will contribute to shaping the new strategy of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) whose priorities will be set at the next global forum of the group, scheduled on 28 and 29 February in Paris.

Represented by the High Commissioner for Planning Ahmed Alami Lahlimi, the Kingdom is associated with the work of this forum which aims to “shape the future strategy of the OECD Development” and “identify priorities and best practices in improving the effectiveness and efficiency of public spending “, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development said.

Launched in 2006 to promote dialogue between the governments of OECD member countries, non-member countries, the private sector and civil society, the Forum will offer participants a “unique opportunity” to share their points of views on priorities for future work of the organization, and thus “contribute to the development of its strategy.”

This strategy, which follows a request by OECD Ministers in May, is currently being drafted and will be subject to ministerial approval in 2012.

It is based on four principles: “innovative and sustainable sources of growth”, “mobilizing resources for development”, “Governance for Development” and “the measurement of progress in terms of development”.

The Forum will take place during the festivities celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of the Centre of the OECD Development which bring together government officials from OECD and non-OECD (March 1), including the Minister of General Affairs and governance, Najib Boulif who will participate in a panel discussion on mobilizing the private sector in “a changing world”.

The conclusions of the panel discussions will be used in preparing the report on prospects of global development in 2013.


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