Thursday, February 27

Morocco, Tourism Losing 50 Million Because Of Terrorism

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The financial impact of international terrorism in Morocco amounts to 500 million Dirhams, approximately 50 million Euros. It was the minister entrusted with the relevant cabinet who mentioned the precise figure.

According to minister Lahcen Addad, this loss of revenue lowers tourist activity in the country by 10%, a trend which started after the attack against the Bardo Museum in Tunisia.

The past 11 months have been razor-edge “with a 85 thousand tourist loss and a slump in hotel bookings equal to 6.6%”.

While providing more details during a public meeting in Rabat, minister Addad also clarified that the loss of tourism regards French and Italian visitors mainly as “booking from Belgium have been -2% while those from France and Italy were -5%”.


(photo: EPA/Ahmed Hayman)


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