Wednesday, March 12

Morocco Takes Part in Open Govt Partnership Summit 2019

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The North Africa Post

A Moroccan delegation led by Minister Delegate for Reform of Administration and Civil Service, Mohamed Benabdelkader is taking part in the 6th Open Government Partnership Global Summit currently convened in Ottawa.

The Moroccan minister will participate in a round table on the open government in Africa and confer with Canadian senior officials on cooperation prospects between the two countries to promote accountable, responsive and inclusive governance.

The 6th OGP Summit is attended by over 2000 delegates from regional governments, civil society groups, multilateral organizations, academia, and beyond. The goal of the Summit is to share knowledge and deliver solutions for more open and transparent governments around the globe.

Set up in 2011, OGP aspires to support both government and civil society reformers by elevating open government to the highest levels and creating a supportive worldwide community.

The Open Government Partnership seeks to make sure that real change is happening on the ground in the majority of OGP countries, and that this change is benefitting citizens. Member countries pledge to encourage high-level political leadership, greater civic participation in public affairs, decision-making and policy formulation.

They also commit to combat corruption, promote practices ensuring transparency in the management of public finances and strengthening the rule of law.

OGP member countries pledge to guarantee equitable and affordable access to technology, increase online and mobile connectivity and develop accessible and secure online platforms for delivering services, engaging the public, and sharing valuable information and ideas.

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