Wednesday, March 19

Morocco Seeks Consultant For National Strategy On Biomass

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SeeNews Renewables
by Mariyana Yaneva

Wood chips. Author: U.S. Department of Agriculture. License: Creative Commons, Attribution 2.0 Generic

Wood chips. Author: U.S. Department of Agriculture. License: Creative Commons, Attribution 2.0 Generic

Morocco’s Energy Ministry has announced a tender to hire a consultant for a detailed study on biomass sector development in the country.

The study will provide the state a thorough review of possible sector development roadmaps in the short (2016-2020), middle (2021-2025) and long (2026-2030) term perspective, thus aiding the elaboration of a national strategy on the sector development.

According to the specifications of the tender, published last week, biomass will be developed with priority in three sectors: agriculture, forestry and waste management.

The study consultant will have to define a portfolio of investment projects and the different ways that the state can promote their development.

Morocco has already started major goals for solar and wind power development. The country wants to source 42% of its energy needs from renewables by 2020 and has undertaken an integrated programme to increase its wind and solar power capacities to 2 GW each by 2020.


Mariyana is a founding member of the SeeNews Renewables team. With eight years of professional experience in renewable energy she has built strong expertise in the wind industry and Eastern Europe markets.


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