Friday, February 28

Morocco pro-democracy protests

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25/09 20h27- CASABLANCA, Morocco (AFP)

Thousands of protesters turned out in Casablanca on Sunday to demand deep political reform, unappeased by a recently-agreed package limiting the powers of King Mohammed VI.

Demonstrators responding to a call from the February 20 Movement filled the city’s Al-Harti boulevard, with a crowd police estimated at 5,000 and organisers at 15,000.

The movement, which takes its name from its first day of protest, was inspired by the pro-democracy groups that have sprung up across the Arab world.

Participants held placards reading “Corruption is Wrecking Our Lives” and “More Social Justice”.

About a thousand people turned out in Tangiers and in Marrakesh, with a similar number taking to the streets in Rabat, where many called for the release of rapper “Mouad Al-Haqed” who was arrested during a major protest in Casablanca in June.

Moroccans voted overwhelmingly for a package of reforms limiting the king’s powers on July 1.

The referendum and an early election in November were an attempt by the leader of the Arab world’s oldest monarchy to quell protests inspired by the “Arab Spring” which had since largely subsided.


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