Friday, March 14

Morocco Pre-qualifies Builders For 350-MW Abdelmoumen Pumped-storage

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Morocco utility Office National de l’Electricite et de l’Eau Potable (ONEE) invites applications for pre-qualification for turnkey construction of the 350-MW Abdelmoumen pumped-storage project on Morocco’s Issen River (Oued Issen). Responses are due December 5.

The Station de Transfert d’Energie par Pompage (STEP) Abdelmoumen pumped-storage project entails construction of a 1.3 million-cubic-meter upper reservoir on the Tamrarht plateau and a three-kilometer penstock to a powerhouse containing two 175-MW reversible vertical Francis turbine-generators. The existing 1.3 million-cubic-meter reservoir at the existing Abdelmoumen Dam is to serve as the project’s lower reservoir.

ONEE invited expressions of interest in 2008 for turnkey construction of Abdelmoumen, then estimated at 412 MW. The European Investment Bank (EIB) approved 150 million euros (US$221 million) in financing to Morocco that year for construction of Abdelmoumen, extension of the 463-MW Afourer pumped-storage project at Bin El Ouidan Dam and construction of the 33-MW Tillouguit hydroelectric project on the Assif Ahancal River, upstream from Bin El Ouidan.

ONEE said Abdelmoumen is to reinforce the Afourer project and to store energy from the national 2,000-MW solar and 2,000-MW wind program.

ONEE now invites applications for pre-qualification for turnkey design studies, completion of civil works, supply of materials and equipment, transportation, installation, testing and commissioning of Abdelmoumen.

Application for Pre-qualification No. SP 40 324 and related documents may be obtained from the ONEE Internet site,, or from the address below.

Applications for pre-qualification, labeled, “Candidature de Prequalification pour le projet de la STEP Abdelmoumen No. SP 40 324,” are due by mail or by deposit to the address below by 9:30 a.m. December 5.

For information, contact Office National de l’Electricite et de l’Eau Potable, Branche Electricite, 65 Rue Othman Ben Affane, B.P. No. 13 498, 20000 Casablanca, Morocco; (212) 522668389; Fax: (212) 522433112; Internet:


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