Tuesday, February 25

Morocco Postpones Summit Due To Lack Of Preparation By Members

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Middle East Monitor

2016 Arab Summit

Morocco decided on Friday to postpone the meeting of the Arab League scheduled to start on 29 March in Marrakesh over “disunity” and the lack of preparation among member states, AlKhaleejonline.com has reported. A government statement said that Foreign Minister Khaled Mizwar was directed by King Mohammed VI to inform the league’s Secretary General of the decision.

“With the lack of important decisions and concrete initiatives to submit to the heads of states,” the ministerial statement revealed, “this summit will be just another occasion to approve ordinary resolutions and to pronounce speeches that give a false impression of unity.” The Arab leaders, it continued, cannot confine themselves, once more, to simply analysing the bitter situation of divergences and divisions without giving decisive responses.

Pointing to the situation in Yemen, Iraq, Syria and Palestine, the Moroccans noted that the “crises in these member states are complicating due to regional and international manoeuvres and agendas as well as the continuation of Israeli settlements [in Palestine].”

Morocco discussed the postponement with a number of Arab League member states before taking the decision; no date was announced for when the meeting might be held. The previous summit of the organisation was held in March last year.


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