Sunday, February 23

Morocco Plastic Bag Ban Reaches Six Months

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Plastic waste pollution in the oceans

Moroccan Industry Minister Moulay Hafid Elalamy on Tuesday said initial results of a plastic bag ban that began six months ago are “encouraging”, citing 2.76 million dirhams in fines (about 200,000 euros) collected from 139 companies and individuals who violated the ban, revealed during a series of 1,536 inspections.

Nearly 7,000 tonnes of plastic bags have ended up in incinerators, 19 tonnes have been stopped at the border, and 135 tonnes of non-conforming plastic bags have been seized.

Law 76/15 went into effect last July and makes it illegal to produce, import, export, sell or use plastic bags, which in Moroccan Darija Arabic are called “mika”.


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