Tuesday, March 4

Morocco pioneer in promoting Amazigh culture in North Africa- Mexican Professors

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Mexico, Oct 14, 2011 –
Professors participating in a study day on North Africa highlighted Morocco’s pioneer role in promoting the Amazigh language and culture in the region.

The stipulation in the constitution of the official character of the Amzigh language alongside Arabic makes Morocco “the first country in North Africa to recognize the equality in rights between its different ethnic and linguistic constituents,” Professor of anthropology and history Azul Ramirez said.

A royal institute for Amazigh culture (IRCAM) saw the light of the day in 2001 in response to one of the demands contained in the “Charter of Agadir” which was elaborated by the Amazigh cultural movements, Ramirez recalled, noting that the other demands included the official recognition of the Amazigh language, the setiing up of a center for Amazigh studies and introducing this language in the educational system and the media.

For her part, Dr Cynthia Hernandez Gonzalez of the Anthropology and History college (ENAH) said that the promotion of linguistic diversity in Morocco started with the enthronement of HM King Mohammed VI in 1999.

The professor deemed that the setting up of IRCAM enabled the standardization of the Amazigh language and spawned research about Amazigh civilization.


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