Monday, March 3

Morocco, perfect security and stability ally in region- Chairman of int’l Committee for Tindouf prisoners

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New York, Oct 5, 2011 – Morocco is the “perfect ally” for peace and stability in the region, Chairman of the International Committee for Tindouf Prisoners, Lord Francis Newall, said on Tuesday in New York.

“Morocco is the perfect ally for security and stability in the region and may stand as a model promoting the achievement of the Maghreb integration, Lord Francis said during a debate of the UN General Assemblys 4th Committee.

Supporting positive change in the region, entails backing efforts to find a peaceful and negotiated solution to the Sahara issue, he said, noting that this goal can only be achieved with a “real commitment and good willingness of Algeria”.

“It is through strengthening friendly and cooperation ties between Morocco and Algeria that the Sahara issue can be settled, he said.

The peoples of the region aspire to a reinvigorate the Maghreb Union and launch a new era, added Newall.

On the reforms undertaken by Morocco , Newall underscored that the Kingdom pioneered in the region with the adoption of a new constitution that was the culmination of a quiet revolution.


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