Wednesday, March 19

Morocco On Track For 2020 Renewable Goals – Forbes

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Christopher Coats

Morocco energy

Morocco’s efforts to boost renewable energy in the north African nation took a step forward last week with news that it made up about 35% of energy generation in the country.

According to government officials, the renewable sector’s progress puts it on track to reach a 42 percent goal within the next few years.

Industry media quoted Ali Fassi Fihri, general manager of the national power utility ONEE as stating that when adding the projects that are currently under construction in wind, solar and hydro, Morocco is on track to achieve a 43% renewable share by 2020. If achieved, this would put the country far ahead of regional neighbors in alternative energy contributions. Further, the country intends to reach a 52% share by 2030, putting it ahead of many European countries.

Of course, this progress will depend on sustained investment interest from abroad and active support from the government – both of which the country currently enjoys.

In recent years, Morocco has worked to reduce its dependence on foreign sources through the development of domestic projects, including exploring newly found traditional reserves and shale projects. However, the state’s embrace of solar and wind has become a pillar of the country’s energy policy.

Recently, this push ran into delays with the announcement that it would push back the opening of the Noor-1 solar power plant. According to the AFP, the plant was scheduled to be opened on the 27th of December, but was pushed back without further details offered by the project’s communications agency.

The country’s focus on renewable development has not come at the total expense of more traditional energy options, including the promotion of new exploration and production efforts for natural gas actors in the region. However, Morocco has repeatedly made clear its goal of establishing itself as a regional leader in renewable energy development – a development key to easing the country’s long-standing dependence on costly and increasingly unreliable energy imports.


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