Friday, March 14

Morocco Official Elected As AIPU Head

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Source: Xinhua


The 24th Conference of the Arab Inter-Parliamentary Union (AIPU) closed here on Tuesday by electing Speaker of Morocco’s House of Representatives Habib El Malki as a new president of the union.

The Moroccan speaker will replace Nabih Berri, speaker of the Lebanese parliament, whose mandate has ended.

In a speech on the occasion, El Malki thanked all Arab MPs for their trust and the spirit of consultation that rained during the conference.

The conference was held for two days under the theme “consolidation of Arab joint action.”

He also vowed the will of the AIPU to find solutions to the various challenges facing the Arab world.

Founded in 1974, AIPU is an Arab parliamentary organization composed of parliamentary groups representing Arab Parliaments with the aim of strengthening joint Arab action.



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