Monday, March 31

Morocco: Nation, a Model for Democracy Promotion – Russian TV

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Moscow — Morocco has become a successful model in terms of democracy promotion, notably following the recent adoption by referendum of a new constitution, Russia Today TV channel said on Monday.

During a programme dubbed “Panorama”, light was shed on the approval of the new constitutional reforms by an overwhelming majority following a referendum on July 1, which was described as a “milestone” in Morocco’s political system.

The channel also recalled that the Moroccan Sovereign will appoint the Prime Minister from the party that won most seats in parliamentary elections.

The revision of the constitution is a pioneering step among other Arab monarchies, Russia Today added, noting that the Head of Government bid will add a new momentum to political competitiveness between different parties during parliamentary elections.

Speaking during the programme, several analysts considered that Morocco managaed to maintain political stability through initiating constitutional reforms that stand as an example for the rest of Arab countries.


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