Saturday, March 15

Morocco, Japan Discuss Means to Strengthen Cooperation

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Source: Xinhua

Morocco and Japan on Monday discussed means to boost bilateral cooperation.

The two sides expressing their willingness to further boost cooperation during talks between Morocco’s Secretary of State to the Foreign Minister Mounia Boucetta and visiting Japanese State Minister for Foreign Affairs Masahisa Sato.

Boucetta said Morocco aims to attract more Japanese investments into the kingdom and enhance tripartite cooperation between Morocco, Japan and African countries.

For his part, Sato deemed as fruitful talks with his Moroccan counterpart, noting that the next meeting of Japan-Morocco Joint Committee in Tokyo in the spring of 2018 will help further strengthen the economic relationship and deepen cooperation on the political front.

Economic cooperation between Morocco and Japan has witnessed significant growth in the past decade, including an approximately fourfold increase in the number of Japanese companies operating in Morocco.

More 50 Japanese companies are currently operating in Morocco, creating over 40,000 jobs in several sectors, especially in fishing, phosphates and the automotive sector.


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