Wednesday, January 22

Morocco: Interior Minister Demands Investigating Information Published by Weekly on Some Parties’ Intervention in Appointment of Walisa And Governors

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Rabat — The Interior Ministry called for conducting an investigation following information published by Arabic-speaking weekly “Al Ousboue Assahafi”, in its August 4 issue, on the intervention of some parties in the appointment of Walis and Governors to positions of responsibility within the territorial and central administration.

A statement by the Interior Ministry on Friday said that the call for a probe comes following “the publishing by the weekly Al Ousboue Assahafi, in its issue 653/1090 dated August 4, 2011, of allegations about the intervention of some parties in the appointment of Walis and Governors to positions of responsibility within the territorial and central administration.”

“Given the role of the Interior Ministry in preserving the citizens’ rights and guaranteeing their practice, and knowing that every allegation should be proved, the Interior Minister, in his capacity of official in the territorial administration, asked the Justice Minister to conduct an investigation on that matter and the results of which will lead to an appropriate legal action,” it added.


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