Thursday, March 6

Morocco: HM the King Addresses Message to First International Symposium On Microfinance in Morocco

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Maghreb Arabe Presse (Rabat)

Skhirat — HM King Mohammed VI has addressed a message to the participants in the first international symposium on microfinance in Morocco, opened Thursday in Skhirat on the topic: “The strategic perspectives of the microfinance sector in Morocco,” Below is the full text of the message, read by advisor to the king, Zoulikha Nasri.

“Praise be to God

May peace and blessings be upon the Prophet, His Kith and Kin

Ladies and Gentlemen,

It gives me great pleasure to send this message to the first international symposium on microfinance to be held in Morocco, and to welcome the Moroccan participants and foreign delegations who are attending it. Their presence attests to the interest they take in a sector whose contribution to human development is appreciated and recognized across the world.

By granting my patronage to this symposium, I want to underscore the special importance I personally attach to this socially responsible activity, which is in line with the policy I am implementing with great determination to fight poverty and precariousness, promote the values of mutual assistance and solidarity, and enable all Moroccans to enjoy a prosperous, dignified life.

I congratulate the various stakeholders involved in the organization of this symposium during which the main components of Morocco’s new strategic vision for the microfinance sector up to the year 2020 will be presented.

We hope this strategy will usher in a new phase in the process of consolidating the microfinance sector in the Kingdom. The strategy makes it possible to redefine our perception of microfinance as a sector which contributes to fighting poverty as well as the financial exclusion of the poor. The ambitious program included in this strategy is likely to strengthen Morocco’s standing as a leading country in the region in terms of promoting microcredit projects that create jobs and encourage income-generating activities.

Thanks to the involvement of civil society, the contributions of international donors and the encouragement and substantial financial support provided by the state, this activity, which was started 20 years ago, is today a key element of the nation’s financial agenda. By responding to the financial needs of the poor, it helps promote financial inclusion.

Important steps have been taken within the sector to develop, modernize and ensure the efficiency of this activity by enhancing professional standards, promoting the sector’s productivity and instituting various mechanisms to create income-generating activities and foster personal initiative.

Morocco’s efforts in this area are recognized at the regional and international levels and are a source of inspiration for many developing countries, including Arab and African nations. May I add that the Kingdom of Morocco is willing to share its expertise and know-how in this regard with sister nations with whom my country has long-standing relations of friendship and cooperation.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The achievement of the objectives set out in the 10-year action plan is likely to boost the microfinance sector and ensure its sustainability. However, we need to keep in mind the basic principles which have contributed to the success of this activity, whose chief objective is to fight poverty and social precariousness.

To this end, the sector must remain true to its original mission, which is to support, fund and accompany developers with projects that generate income for the benefit of disadvantaged populations.

It is also important to constantly take into account the human dimension when assessing financial needs. The aim is to broaden the scope of opportunities and choices available to Moroccan citizens, men and women alike.

To ensure the success of the sector’s action, the needs and demands of the populations concerned must be properly understood. It is then possible to target potential beneficiaries more effectively, widen the range of the products offered and improve distribution channels by resorting, among other means, to innovative technologies.

Furthermore, the continued involvement of stakeholders across the board in efforts to achieve human development is the key to attaining the above objectives. It is also important to speed up the sector’s professionalization in order to improve efficiency and enforce the best financial practices.

I also believe there should be more synergy between programs which target impoverished populations to ensure greater complementarity and efficiency. I wish to mention, in this regard, the National Initiative for Human Development, which has made it possible to achieve tangible results in the fight against poverty, marginalization and precariousness. One of its main activities consists in financing projects that generate income and create jobs.

In the same vein, government authorities should see to it that there is greater coordination between the microfinance sector on the one hand, and the nation’s social development policy and sector-specific public policies, on the other.

I also urge the government to consult with all stakeholders and be attentive to their needs in order to promote the emergence of a healthy, competitive institutional environment that can contribute to the harmonious development of the microfinance sector and ensure its gradual integration into the global financial system. The willingness expressed by domestic microfinance institutions to contribute to the country’s development – especially the promotion of self-employment – should therefore be strongly supported.

I should like to invite the national and international stakeholders concerned to continue supporting microfinance institutions to enable them to face the major issues and challenges of a constantly changing world. The backing given to the microfinance sector by the national and international finance system is of vital importance, especially in the current difficult economic circumstances. The financing of projects that generate income and provide jobs – particularly those benefitting women and young people – is likely to help alleviate the hardships suffered by the poor.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

We are pleased this first international symposium on microfinance is being held in Morocco. I am sure it will provide a good opportunity to exchange views not only on the issues I have mentioned in this message, but also on major microfinance questions, on the sector’s future prospects, efficiency and sustainability, as well as on the part microfinance should play in promoting sustainable human development.

I wish this important meeting every success and our foreign guests an enjoyable stay in Morocco.

Thank you.

Wassalamu alaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh.



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