Sunday, March 9

Morocco Hammams To Be Made Environment-Friendly

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by Diego Minuti


Hammams are not only part of the religious purification process for Muslims, they are also a place to socialize and in which nudity has a leveling effect in both luxurious and spartan hammams.

The philosophy behind them has remained the same for centuries, as has the way in which the heated water evaporates.

Mainly wood is used to bring water to three traditional temperature levels (20, 32 and at least 42 degrees Celsius) with all the contingent energy and environmental costs. A French NGO working in the field of renewable energy and environmental compatibility has decided to start with Morocco to render hammams more environment-friendly, saving energy and costs.

There have been previous attempts but all achieved little. The first part of the project will focus on about 40 hammams that will receive material aid worth an overall 1.2 million euros. The project must take into consideration a the fact that every hammam is a universe unto itself, and thus requires a personalized solution. Some, therefore, will continue to be wood-fired while adopting solutions that can cut energy use to a sixth of its current level. Others will instead use ovens running on olive pits and argan nuts or are solar-powered, or water use will be made more efficient and insulation will be added.

The project calls for interventions on 40 Moroccan hammams scheduled for completion by 2017. Other projects will be initiated at the same time in the country, with more limited goals but able to improve the facilities and the environment.



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