Monday, March 3

Morocco Court Sentences 3 Women to Jail Over Terror-related Crimes

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Source: Xinhua

A Moroccan anti-terror court sentenced three women to between four and five years in prison with no remission in terrorism-related cases, Morocco’s official MAP news agency reported Friday.

The court sentenced two women to five years in jail and the third was given four years in prison for “forming a criminal gang to prepare and perpetrate terror acts as part of a collective project to seriously undermine public order, inciting people to carry out terror acts, raising funds for terror acts, and praising terror acts and organizations,” MAP said.

The three convicts were arrested in October 2016 after the Moroccan authorities busted a 10-female terrorist cell, including seven women minors.

Last July, the seven minors were sentenced to between two and five years in prison with no remission.


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