The North Africa Post
Authorities closed a number of neighborhoods in Hay Mohammedi district in Casablanca to better fight the coronavirus outbreak as active cases in the economic capital exceeded 2000.
Casablanca and seven other cities have been locked with entries and exists allowed on special permits only.
The exodus from big cities to smaller towns during the Eid has caused a spike in coronavirus cases, which hit an all high daily tally on Wednesday to 1499 cases and 23 deaths.
Morocco has registered 36694 cases including 556 deaths and 25677 recoveries.
The virus has hit several industrial units across Morocco as authorities tighten control and bring before justice factory owners who failed to implement anti-covid measures. This was particularly the case with the major outbreak in June in strawberry farms in north western Morocco and Sardine canning units in Safi.
The coronavirus did not spare the Parliament where two MPs and three administration staff were infected. Entry into the parliament now requires a Covid-19 test within 48 hours.

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