Monday, March 3

Morocco calls for more international support to help African States achieve MDGs

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New York, Oct 12, 2011 –
Morocco called on, Tuesday in New York, for more international support to help African states achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

12 October 2011

“We call on the international community to uphold its promises to bring more support to the African continent by giving it priority in programmes aiming at achieving MDGs,” Morocco’s permanent representative to the UN, Ambassador Mohamed Loulichki said before the UN General Assembly.

Loulichki, who was addressing a meeting dedicated to the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD), said that Africa faces difficulties in fully meeting the MDGs before the deadline.

However, he said, significant progress have been made in terms of conflict resolution, stability and the adoption of bold policies to safeguarding democratic and macroeconomic achievements of African states.

“In 2010, average growth stood at 4.9% up from 3.1% in 2009,” highlighted the Moroccan diplomat, noting that Africa has not yet reached the 7% growth rate that is necessary to ensure a sustainable, homogeneous and comprehensive development.

In this respect, he stressed that maintaining public development aid and upholding G8 commitment are vital to least advanced African states.

Loulichki also emphasized the need for strengthening south-south cooperation and setting up innovative cooperation mechanisms.

“Regional development remains a key potential to promote development efforts,” he said.

“An increasing participation of the private sector to the development will not only enable the mobilization of needed resources for different development programmes, but also fostering Africa’s capacities and competitiveness,” added Loulichki, saying that foreign direct investments play a crucial role in economic development of the continent.

He also shed light on the steady commitment of HM King Mohammed VI to the development of Africa, recalling Morocco’s contribution in terms of UN-led partnerships for peace and security in Africa as well as its assistance to African states in terms of training, education and expertise.


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