Monday, February 24

Morocco August Industrial Producer Prices: Summary

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By Ainhoa Goyeneche

Following is a summary of Morocco’s August PPI report, from the Haut Commissariat du Plan, in Rabat:

                                 Aug.    July    June     May   April
                                 2011    2011    2011    2011    2011
                                 --------- Monthly changes % --------
Mining                          -0.2%   -0.1%    0.4%    0.1%    0.2%
Manufacturing                    1.0%    0.3%   -0.8%    0.3%    1.3%
Food                             0.7%    1.5%    0.4%    0.0%   -0.4%
Paper Industry                   0.0%    0.0%    0.1%    0.0%    0.0%
Petrol Refining                  2.5%   -0.1%   -2.8%   -0.9%    3.7%
Chemical industries             -0.1%    0.1%    0.3%    4.6%    0.4%
Plastic and Cauchou              0.0%   -0.5%    0.4%   -1.1%    0.4%
Other non metallic minerals      0.3%    0.0%    0.0%    0.0%    0.0%
Metallurgic                      0.0%    0.0%    0.2%    0.0%    0.1%
Machinery                        0.0%    0.0%    0.7%    0.0%    0.0%
Other Electric appliances        0.0%    0.0%    0.0%    0.0%    0.0%
                                 Aug.    July    June     May   April
                                 2011    2011    2011    2011    2011
Auto Industry                    0.0%    0.0%    0.3%    0.0%    0.0%
                               ---------- Annual changes % -----------
Mining                           1.7%    1.8%    1.7%    1.3%    1.5%
Manufacturing                   15.9%   14.4%   14.5%   14.1%   15.2%
Food                             4.5%    4.3%    3.0%    2.7%    2.4%
Paper Industry                  -5.4%   -2.8%    3.1%    3.0%    3.2%
Petrol Refining                 33.7%   28.3%   29.7%   27.6%   34.5%
Chemical industries             39.7%   39.9%   39.9%   39.5%   33.4%
Plastic and Caucho               2.4%    2.4%    1.5%    1.1%    2.1%
Other non metalic minerals       0.6%    0.2%    0.2%    0.2%    0.2%
Metalurgic                       1.4%    1.4%    1.9%    1.7%    1.7%
Machinery                        0.0%    0.0%    0.0%   -0.7%   -0.7%
Other Electric appliances        1.5%    1.5%    1.5%    2.5%    2.5%
                                -------------- Index ----------------
Mining                          152.7   153.0   153.1   152.5   152.4
Manufacturing                   160.7   159.1   158.6   159.9   159.4
Food                            122.7   121.8   120.0   119.5   119.5
                                 Aug.    July    June     May   April
                                 2011    2011    2011    2011    2011
Paper Industry                   99.6    99.6    99.6    99.5    99.5
                                 Aug.    July    June     May   April
                                 2011    2011    2011    2011    2011
Petrol Refining                 402.0   392.2   392.5   403.7   407.5
Chemical industries             174.9   175.0   174.9   174.4   166.7
Plastic and Cauchou             103.4   103.4   103.9   103.5   104.6
Other non metallic minerals     123.4   123.0   123.0   123.0   123.0
Metallurgic                     131.7   131.7   131.7   131.5   131.5
Machinery                        88.0    88.0    88.0    87.4    87.4
Other Electric appliances       125.3   125.3   125.3   125.3   125.3
Auto Industry                   103.5   103.5   103.5   103.2   103.2
Note: Index base year 1997=100

SOURCE: Haut Commissariat du Plan

Editor: Mark Evans


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