Monday, February 24

Morocco August Consumer Prices: Statistical Summary

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By Ainhoa Goyeneche

Following there’s a summary of Morocco’s August CPI report, from the Haut Commissariat du Plan, in Rabat:

                                Aug.   July   June    May  April  March
                                2011   2011   2011   2011   2011   2011
                                ----------- Monthly % change ----------
Total MoM%                      1.4%   0.6%  -0.4%   0.3%  -1.1%  -0.1%
Food Products*                  3.1%   1.4%  -1.0%   0.5%  -2.4%  -0.3%
Clothing                        0.8%   0.1%   0.0%   0.0%   0.0%  -0.1%
Housing                         0.0%   0.1%   0.0%   0.0%   0.1%   0.0%
Household goods                 0.1%   0.1%   0.0%   0.2%   0.1%   0.1%
Medical Services                0.0%   0.0%   0.0%   0.0%   0.0%   0.0%
Transport                       0.2%   0.0%  -0.1%   0.1%  -0.2%   0.1%
Communications                  0.0%   0.0%   0.0%   0.0%   0.0%   0.0%
Leisure and culture            -0.1%   0.0%  -0.1%   0.0%   0.0%  -0.1%
Education                       0.0%   0.0%   0.0%   0.0%   0.0%   0.0%
Restaurants and Hotels          0.1%   0.2%   0.7%   0.1%   0.0%   0.2%
                                Aug.   July   June    May  April  March
                                2011   2011   2011   2011   2011   2011
                                ----------- Yearly % change ----------
Total YoY%                      2.2%   1.8%   0.7%   0.0%  -0.3%   0.6%
Food Products*                  4.2%   3.3%   0.6%  -0.9%  -1.4%   0.3%
Clothing                        2.4%   1.8%   1.5%   1.3%   1.1%   1.0%
Housing                         0.4%   0.5%   0.4%   0.4%   0.5%   0.4%
Household goods                 1.0%   1.0%   0.8%   0.9%   0.8%   0.7%
Medical Services                0.1%   0.1%   0.1%   0.0%   0.1%   0.4%
Transport                      -0.1%  -0.4%  -0.3%  -0.2%  -0.4%  -0.2%
Communications                 -1.4%  -1.4%  -1.4%  -1.4%  -1.5%  -1.9%
Leisure and culture            -0.6%  -0.5%  -0.6%  -0.8%  -1.0%  -1.2%
Education                       4.6%   4.6%   4.6%   4.6%   4.6%   4.6%
Restaurants and Hotels          1.6%   1.5%   1.6%   1.1%   1.1%   1.8%
                               ----------------- Level ----------------
Total Index                    110.4  108.9  108.3  108.7  108.4  109.6
Food Products*                 118.7  115.1  113.5  114.6  114.0  116.8
Clothing                       106.2  105.4  105.3  105.3  105.3  105.3
Housing                        104.8  104.8  104.7  104.7  104.7  104.6
                                Aug   July   June    May  April  March
                                2011   2011   2011   2011   2011   2011
                               ----------------- Level ----------------
Household goods                107.3  1072  107.1  107.1  106.9  106.8
Medical Services               103.0  1030  103.0  103.0  103.0  103.0
Transport                      103.1  1029  102.9  103.0  102.9  103.1
Communications                  89.2   892   89.2   89.2   89.2   89.2
Leisure and culture             96.2   963   96.3   96.4   96.4   96.4
Education                      118.5  1185  118.5  118.5  118.5  118.5
Restaurants and Hotels         111.5  1114  111.2  110.4  110.3  110.3
Note: Index base year 100=2006
      * = Includes non alcoholic beverages

SOURCE: Haut Commissariat du Plan

Editor: Mark Evans


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