Tuesday, March 18

Moroccan Domestic Tourism Is In Good Health

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Tourism Review
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The national survey on Moroccan domestic tourism in 2014 presented recently in Casablanca demonstrates that the travel sector is growing in several different areas.


Last year, tourism in Morocco generated about EUR 3 billion (31 billion dirham) in revenues, which represents 12% of the Moroccan GDP according to the Tourism Minister, Lahcen Haddad. In total, tourist accommodation recorded 5.3 million overnight stays, which is an increase of 2.4 % compared to 2013. These figures bear testament to the “good health” of domestic tourism according to the minister.

Moroccans are travelling more and more. 52% of city dwellers and 39% of rural residents are travelling for pleasure. This kind of travel has gone from 35% in 2010 to 45% in 2014.

Even though tourists travel mainly with their family, according to the report, 1 out of 5 Moroccans travel individually and only 15% travel as a couple without children.

Among the new destinations preferred by Moroccans, Agadir is the city that generates the most overnight stays (19 million), followed by Casablanca and Marrakesh, with 17 and 15 million overnight stays respectively.

The study of tourism in Morocco also revealed that local tourists are generally satisfied with their visit. 63% of national tourists say they are “very satisfied” and 36% claim to be “satisfied” with their stay. The report does not specify the percentage of tourists who are dissatisfied with their holiday.

Furthermore, domestic tourists do not hesitate to recommend their preferred vacation places to their friends.

What are the favorite activities of Moroccans during their vacation? 62% of them appreciate hiking and walks, 42% prefer seaside activities and 31% like to go shopping. The ‘sport and wilderness’ category is undertaken by less than 5% of participants as it attracts mostly the youth and executives, stated the report.


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