Sunday, February 23

Moroccan American Network Aims To Boost FTA Agreement – OpEd

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On May 31, a dynamic group of Moroccan American business leaders are in the process (final phase) to organize a CEO Summit in Washington DC to identify American and Moroccans best companies and high-potential managers and leaders who are seeking joint ventures and business partnerships.

Because those with the right talent and experience are more likely to deliver results, businesses should begin their succession planning efforts by identifying and selecting leaders with a scientifically validated leadership talent assessment. No amount of experience will turn an average leader into a great one.

But it’s equally important for businesses either in Morocco or the United States to prepare high-potential leaders with experiences that will develop their potential. When it comes to preparing emerging leaders for executive roles,. Very specific kinds of experience benefit high-potential leaders most.

These challenges are so rare that they need to be reserved for candidates with the highest potential. That’s one very good reason to know precisely who your emerging leaders are. No one wants to waste a breakthrough experience on someone who won’t benefit from it — and may botch the job.

The right kind of experience is a crucial element of leadership development. But no amount of experience will turn an average leader into a great one. Leadership takes the right kind of talent, and great leaders are scarce, as are the right experiences to develop that talent. Find out who your highest-potential leaders are, then put them on the right track to the right experiences. Talented leaders and the right leadership development experiences are far too valuable to waste.

That’s exactly what the upcoming CEO Summit is aiming to. There is a large group of Moroccan American successful business leaders who have gained enough experience and now they feel that this is the right time for them to share and make others either in the States or in their mother land benefit from their business expertise.

We all hope that this initiative will be followed by other similar ones to accompany the current economic development in Morocco but more importantly to put on track joint ventures that will put in practice all agreements elaborated in the FTA signed by The United States and Morocco on June 15, 2004.

The Agreement entered into force on January 1, 2006. The United States-Morocco FTA is a comprehensive agreement that supports the significant economic and political reforms that are underway in Morocco and provides for improved commercial opportunities for U.S. exports to Morocco by reducing and eliminating trade barriers.


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