Sunday, March 2


MoroccoTomorrow is a 501C3 non-profit organization beholden to no party, organization or government, and which is supported exclusively by voluntary contributions and donated services.

Contact Us

For more information about Morocco Tomorrow, please contact us at info[at]moroccotomorrow[dot]org


Morocco is a country bursting with rich cultural history and strong economic potential, a country which has become a model of stability and reform amid the uncertainties of the Arab Spring.  MoroccoTomorrow is a unique, non-partisan, non-profit forum for all those who are interested in Morocco and its historic, peaceful transition towards democratization.  MoroccoTomorrow has become a comprehensive and trusted source of clear, unbiased information about Morocco, a bridge between Moroccans at home and abroad, and a voice for all those eager to learn more.

MoroccoTomorrow was created by a group of young Moroccan professionals in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and Europe eager to leverage the power of a global social network to provide insight into the inner workings of their homeland.  They represent only a small portion of the 4.5 million Moroccans who live abroad and want to share news and information about Morocco and help shape its future.

Morocco has a new constitution and a newly elected government, but with more than half its population under thirty, the country’s leaders are faced with development challenges, especially unemployment amongst youths.  Today,  Morocco’s leadership is intent upon improving social justice, education, health care and the welfare of the population.  For Morocco to reach these goals, it will need an informed and involved citizenry as well as the good will of a world that understands and embraces its unique history and promising future.

MoroccoTomorrow welcomes the participation and contributions of all and is intent on providing a fair and transparent forum for Moroccans and other interested constituencies