Sunday, February 23

Metalex surveying Morocco license for diamonds

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diamond mine

Gold anomalies and signs of diamondiferous kimberlites have been identified in the 17,00 square km. license

Metalex Ventures has begun conducting an airborne survey of a 17,000 square kilometer license in southern Morocco for gold, base metals, uranium, and diamond deposits, the mining company announced Tuesday.

In 2004 and 2005, Metalex was granted exploration licenses for a total 24,800 square kilometers for an area of southern Morocco that lies on top of an Archean craton (rocks more than 2.6 billion years old). Many of the world’s major gold mines and all its kimberlite diamond mines are positioned on top of cratons.

In sampling conducted thus far, Metalex has identified gold anomalies in 38 areas and signs of diamond-bearing kimberlite in 18 areas of its 17,000 sq./km license. The airborne geological survey is expected to take four months to complete, and is expected to be followed by an airborne electromagnetic study.

The license is a joint venture between Metalex and the Moroccan government.


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