Tuesday, March 4

Merzouga Rally: More than 70 riders already enrolled in the Bike Rally.

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The “Merzouga Rally” 2013 is enjoying a very positive feedback among the new competitors, who wish to face one of the most beautiful deserts in the world and the affectionate supporters who return in Morocco for the second, third and even fourth time, thanks to the winning formula studied by Edo Mossi that combines technical ride, navigation, competition, fun and the ambience of a true African rally.

With one week to go to the deadline of the second special fee, more than 70 riders have already secured a place for the 4th edition of Merzouga Rally, a modern and innovative way of doing rally raid on 5 race days plus warm up and Prologue by night with roadbook.

“In these days we are finalising the second round of scoutings and once again I’m impressed by the beauty and the variety of the landscapes of the South of Morocco,” comments Edo Mossi.

“This year we have further improved the safety and the route have been studied to reduce the speed in order to prevent the incidents. It will be a tough rally, but for sure those who will cross the finish line will be very satisfied to have covered more than 1,300 km on secondary tracks, dunes and off tracks. When possible, in fact, we always try to avoid the fast main tracks, privileging off tracks.”

New tracks and lots of fun will be the other two keys words of the 2013 edition. Edo Mossi has studied a specific route for bikes, quads and ssv that includes four absolutely new stages out of five. “Moreover, thanks to a technical stages and the spectacular landscape of big dunes, mountains and sandy canyons, we are sure that the Merzouga Rally will the ultimate experience for every rider,” Mossi said.

Till June 30th it’s possible to entry the Merzouga Rally with the second special fare. “I invite all the competitors to take advantage of the special fare valid till the end of the month,” concludes Edo Mossi. The entry fee includes also the rental of the safety and navigation systhem GPS/IriTrack, fuel in SS, rempatriation insurance. For more informations please visit [ MERZOUGARALLY.COM ].

Entry Race Bike/Quad: 2,280€
Entry race SSV: 3,150€
Entry Raid Bike/Quad: 1,500€ (in group with a guide)
Entry Raid SSV: 2,100€ (in group with a guide)


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