Monday, February 24

Menendez participates in Cape Coral UN event

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Special to The Record

The Menendez High School Model United Nations participated at the Seahawk Model United Nations Conference in Cape Coral Jan. 13 and 14, with the Menendez group representing France, Mexico, Ireland, Japan, India, Ecuador, Cuba, Sweden and Morocco on the United Nation¹s Economic and Social Committee discussing the issues of Fair Trade vs. Free Trade and the positive management of globalization.

Delegates to the economic and financial committee were Summer Perritt, Megan Allison, Katherine Landis, Emily Via, DeQuanda Cullar, Austin Garrett, Ashley Vanzant, Alan Bush and Andrew Bohannan.

On the League of Arab States, the Model UN represented Bahrain, Morocco and Libya. Delegates to the LAS were Courtney Bodor, Mackenzie Peil and Danielle Marhanka

The issue on the agenda for the LAS was the rising influence of Iran and the creation of a Palestinian State. MHS delegates serving on the Iranian Cabinet, which interacted with the League of Arab States were Marhanka and Stephen Giannelli. Marhanka took the role of Heydar Moslehi, minister of intelligence and Giannelli took the role of Reza Taqipour, Iranian minister of communication.

The Model UN was accepted to participate at the George Washington University Model United Nations Conference in March. Also in March the Model UN will begin seeking members for the 2012-13 school year. Anyone interested in obtaining information can call the advisor, John Miller at 501-2847.


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