Wednesday, March 5

MENA: Arab Spring transition​al countries boosted

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A statement released by United Kingdom’s foreign ministry has stated that the government, in partnership with several international financial institutions, will be holding a Deauville Partnership Investment conference in September.
The conference is aimed at promoting investments, trade and supporting new investors in transitional countries marred by the Arab Spring. The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the Islamic Development Bank will be the principal partners of the government at the conference, which will be held in London. The conference will be held on the 16th of September and will also give the participants the occasion to have a head to head discussion with government officials.
Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco, Libya, Jordan and Yemen have been considered as countries in transition. The conference will be seeking to persuade companies to invest in these countries, especially those originating from the regional partners of Deauville such as Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, UAE and Turkey. The conference will serve as a place for interaction and the establishment of links between companies of these different countries.
According to a statement release, the transitional countries will be given the opportunity to present their respective countries and the efforts made to maintain or return to political stability with regards to the Arab spring. Investment opportunities for foreign direct investment, government policies to attract investors and ways to overcome trade challenges will also be discussed. There are intentions to mobilize government officials and business representatives from the G8 countries, regional partners and international financial institutions to enhance the exchange.


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