Tuesday, February 25

Mediterranean adventure

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Canton Citizen
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Canton High School students and their chaperones pose for a photo with a camel they met during their recent trip to Spain and Morocco.

Fourteen Canton High School students and three chaperones took a trip to Spain and Morocco over the recent February vacation.

While in Spain the students visited the cities of Madrid, Grenada, Toledo and Seville, as well as the Costa del Sol. They saw masterpieces by Velázquez and El Greco, the windmills of Cervantes’s Don Quixote, and the famous Alhambra in Granada. Other stops included Madrid’s Royal Palace, the Cathedral of Toledo, and Seville’s Alcázar.

The students also took a ferry across the Strait of Gibraltar for a day-long visit to Morocco, where they rode camels and explored Medina and Hassan II Square in Tetouan with assistance from a local guide.

Students: Drew Blake, Rebecca Chism, Morgan Collins, Hannah Dickie, Kristen Fabbiano, David Feeney, Brittany Morris, Conor O’Brien, Dillon O’Gorman, Colleen O’Regan, Eleni Papadopoulos, Joseph Shea, Jessica Tam, and Calvin Winchell

Chaperones: Katey Swanson, K-12 Wellness Coordinator and CHS teacher, Julieann Kemp, instructional technology teacher at CHS, and Kathleen Osborne, retired CHS wellness teacher and current driver education teacher.

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