Friday, February 28

Mali: Tindouf Jihadists’ Participation Devastates the Polisario

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Polisario Confidential

Written by Khalid Ibrahim Khaled

According to informed sources in Tindouf, agitation has been at its height in the Polisario headquarters in Algeria since the AFP announced that hundreds of jihadists from Tindouf arrived over the weekend in northern Mali to lend a helping hand to the Islamist armed groups which control the region.

The announcement of the jihadists’ arrival in northern Mali embarrassed the Polisario leaders as well as senior officers of the DRS, the Algerian military intelligence services that control the Polisario camps in Algeria. Their discomfiture is all the more great that neither the Polisario leadership nor the DRS know how to retort to the devastating news.

The news confirm anyways previous documented evidence revealing the existence of links between members of the Polisario and terrorist groups such as AQIM, Ansar Dine, and Mujao which are terrorizing northern Mali and other parts of the Sahel. Furthermore, the arrival of Polisario elements and other fighters from Sudan took place after it has been confirmed that ECOWAS military intervention in northern Mali to dislodge the Islamist armed groups is more likely.


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