Monday, March 10

Maghreb officials press for joint security strategy

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Sahel countries must work together to confront terrorism, Maghreb officials told the European Parliament on Monday (April 8th). Co-operation is required from both African countries and ”EU nations, whose citizens are the main target of the terrorists”, Ansa quoted the Moroccan parliament’s foreign relations committee spokesman, Ali Kebiri, as saying in Brussels.

”Joint efforts are important and we are prepared to reactivate the partnership for development in the region,” agreed Algerian envoy Belabbas Belkacem.

”We must intervene to reduce the funding of terrorism through drug trafficking,” Belkacem added.

Addressing the risk of regional insecurity following the Mali conflict, Tunisian representative Souad Abderrahim noted that her country had “pledged to contribute to the reconstruction of the country and its armed forces through multilateral training”.



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