Tuesday, March 4

Maghreb news 2014-10-03

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Terrorism | 2014-10-03
Benghazi suicide blasts kill dozens
“They are taking us to the Middle Ages,” one Libyan says of the latest Islamist offensive.

Security | 2014-10-03
AU, Morocco discuss Sahel security
African states should come together to combat the threat of terrorism, experts say.

Elections | 2014-10-03
Ben Ali ministers seek Tunisia presidency
As Tunisia gets ready for its presidential elections, contenders from Ben Ali’s disbanded party announce their candidacy.

Security | 2014-10-03
UN threatens Libya sanctions
The UN Security Council on Thursday (October 2nd) threatened sanctions against opponents of peace in Libya….

Terrorism | 2014-10-03
Algeria hunt 15 for tourist beheading
Fifteen suspects implicated in the beheading of a French tourist face terrorism, kidnapping and murder charges, an Algerian judicial source told AFP…

Terrorism | 2014-10-03
Ansar al-Sharia cell dismantled in Medenine
Tunisian security forces arrested six members of an Ansar al-Sharia cell in Medenine, the interior ministry announced on Thursday (October 2nd). Weap…

Terrorism | 2014-10-03
Northern Morocco loses young men to ISIS
Many young Moroccans are choosing terror over family to join up with the Islamic State (ISIS). Magharebia talks to those they left behind.


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