Wednesday, March 12

Maghreb news 2014-05-08

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Politics | 2014-05-08
Libyan premier unveils government priorities
Libya’s new interim prime minister put security as his government’s first priority.

Politics | 2014-05-08
Tunisians grade interim government
“I support this government not because it is good, but rather because it saved us from the past,” one young Tunisian says.

Youth | 2014-05-08
Morocco football programme counters youth extremism
Supporters of a new Moroccan sports initiative say it may help insulate youth from radicalism, drugs and crime.

Crime & Justice | 2014-05-08
Sabha militiamen released by captors
Twelve Sabha militiamen were released by their Toubou captors as part of a reconciliation agreement between rival tribes, Libya Herald reported on We…

Security | 2014-05-08
Algeria eliminates ‘foreign’ terrorists
The ten terrorists killed by Algerian troops Monday near the Mali border were all foreign nationals, the Council of Ministers said Wednesday (May 7th…

Protests | 2014-05-08
Tripoli court strike spreads
A strike by administrators in Tripoli courts reportedly spread to the cities of Zawiya, Misrata, Benghazi, Khomes, al-Bayda and Gharyan, PANA reporte…

Elections | 2014-05-08
Mauritanian woman makes presidential bid
A woman put forward a bid for the presidency of Mauritania, the country’s Constitutional Council announced on Wednesday (May 7th)….

Terrorism | 2014-05-08
French soldier dies in Mali attack
A French soldier was killed Wednesday by an improvised explosive device in northern Mali, Le Parisien reported Thursday (May 8th)….

Arts & Entertainment | 2014-05-08
Mawazine festival celebrates world culture
The 13th Mawazine Rhythms of the World Festival will kick off in Rabat on May 30th, Le Matin reported on Wednesday (May 7th)….


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