Wednesday, March 12

Maghreb news 2014-05-02

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Terrorism | 2014-05-02
Ansar al-Sharia attacks Libyan army
Libya’s nascent security forces are coming under fire from one of Benghazi’s most dangerous extremist militias.

Religion | 2014-05-02
Walls separate Derna University students
Taliban-like measures are jeopardising co-education at Libya’s Derna University.

Economy | 2014-05-02
Moroccan universities adapt to labour market
Morocco’s new approach to higher education aims to match the skills of young people to the needs of industry.

Terrorism | 2014-05-02
Belmokhtar pledges allegiance to Ayman al-Zawahiri
The Maghreb’s most-wanted terrorist just pledged allegiance to al-Qaeda chief Ayman al-Zawahiri, Echourouk reported on Thursday (May 1st)….

Elections | 2014-05-02
Tunisia adopts election law
Tunisia’s interim parliament on Thursday (May 1st) approved a new electoral law to govern the upcoming legislative and presidential polls, AFP report…

Terrorism | 2014-05-02
Morocco charges minors with terrorism
A Sale court placed two minors in a juvenile detention centre on terrorism-related charges, MAP reported on Thursday (May 1st)….

Diplomacy | 2014-05-02
Maghreb unity as regional panacea
The best way to both improve depressed economies and stem terrorism in the Maghreb is regional integration, the head of a Tunis-based think tank says.


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