Tuesday, February 25

Maghreb news 2014-02-21

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Elections | 2014-02-21
Libya elects constitution-drafting panel
Defying militia threats, bombings and assassinations, Libyans cast their ballot for change.

Terrorism | 2014-02-21
Tunisia to tighten niqab controls
With terrorists donning the niqab to evade justice, Tunisian authorities are stepping up checks on those wearing the conservative woman’s garment.

Women’s Rights | 2014-02-21
Libya to compensate revolution rape victims
The Libyan government on Wednesday (February 19th) recognised women who suffered sexual violence during the 2011 popular uprising as war victims….

Elections | 2014-02-21
Algeria promises fair elections
Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika on Thursday (February 20th) ordered his government to ensure fair and “credible” presidential elections on Ap…

Crime & Justice | 2014-02-21
Morocco sentences salafist imam
A Casablanca court on Wednesday (February 19th) rendered a one month suspended sentence and a fine against salafist imam Abdelhamid Abou Naim, Aufait…

Economy | 2014-02-21
Morocco to finance Mali phosphates project
Morocco will finance the construction of a phosphate production unit in Mali destined exclusively for the African market, AFP reported Thursday (Febr…

Religion | 2014-02-21
Imam Hassen Chalghoumi spreads message of moderation
A controversial French-Tunisian cheikh calls on his fellow religious leaders to advocate peace and prevent takfirist discourse.


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