Saturday, March 1

Maghreb news 2014-01-10

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Politics | 2014-01-10
Tunisian PM steps down
With Islamists giving up power in Tunisia, the path to a peaceful transition is in reach.

Religion | 2014-01-10
Mauritanians condemn call to kill author
A young Mauritanian man is facing death threats over a controversial article.

Protests | 2014-01-10
New Tunisia finance law angers citizens
Three years after the revolution, Tunisia is wracked by unrest over economic issues.

Economy | 2014-01-10
Libya to build new housing
After weeks of demonstrations, residents in eastern Libya could soon see work begin on new housing projects.

Security | 2014-01-10
Reward offered for Benghazi attack info
The US is offering a reward of up to 10 million US dollars for information leading to the arrest or conviction of any individual responsible for the…

Security | 2014-01-10
Tunisian troops stymy Kasserine terrorists
Tunisian troops early Thursday prevented two separate attempts by terrorist gangs to infiltrate Kasserine neighbourhoods, Tunisie Numerique reported….

Terrorism | 2014-01-10
Terrorists kill Algerian ‘patriot’
A member of Algeria’s Legitimate Defence Group (GLD) died Thursday (January 9th) from injuries sustained a day earlier during a terrorist abduction i…

Security | 2014-01-10
Gunmen, army clash in Sabha
Libyan troops and unidentified gunmen clashed overnight Thursday (January 9th) outside the Sabha central hospital, Libya Herald reported. The reasons…

Diplomacy | 2014-01-10
Mali president visits Mauritania
Malian President Ibrahima Boubacar Keita on Friday (January 10th) began a three-day working visit to Mauritania, ANI reported….

Terrorism | 2014-01-10
Al-Qaeda seeks Libya foothold
Still reeling from a catastrophic 2013, Libyans have a bleak outlook for the year ahead. It doesn’t help that al-Qaeda sees their country as a perfect place to set up shop.


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