Wednesday, January 22

Maghreb news 2013-12-31

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Security | 2013-12-31
Confusion surrounds Abou Iyadh capture
Tunisian reports claim the leader of Ansar al-Sharia is in custody but Libyan and American officials refuse to confirm the news.

Politics | 2013-12-31
Morocco social policy raises questions
As opposition MPs criticise the Moroccan government’s failure to meet people’s expectations, Prime Minister Abdelilah Benkirane highlights progress.

Security | 2013-12-31
Tunisian salafists threaten New Year celebrations
Tunisian police arrested seven salafists in Kasserine, Tunisie Numerique reported on Monday (December 30th). The suspects, who had reportedly distrib…

Security | 2013-12-31
Weapons found near Algeria border
Mali peacekeepers found two large weapons stockpiles hidden near the border with Algeria, the UN announced on Monday (December 30th)….

Crime & Justice | 2013-12-31
Imams accused in money-laundering scheme
Spanish police dismantled a counterfeit clothing ring allegedly led by an imam, reported on Monday (December 30th)….

Crime & Justice | 2013-12-31
Mauritania creates slavery crimes court
Mauritania will create a special court to prosecute crimes related to slavery, AMI reported on Monday (December 30th)….


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