Sunday, March 9

Macron honours ‘spirit of resistance’ in WWII Provence landings

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Agence-France Presse
by Paul Aubriat

(LtoR) The leaders of Guinea, France and Ivory Coast attend a ceremony marking the 75th anniversary of the Allied landings in Provence during World War II on Thursday.

President Emmanuel Macron saluted Thursday a French army “that emerged from the shadows and exile” during the Allied landings on the Mediterranean coast 75 years ago, praising the sacrifices made by fighters from France’s former colonies in Africa.

“The glory of all these soldiers of the Liberation is immense, and our gratitude must never fade. We will never forget anything, nor anyone,” Macron told veterans at the Boulouris national cemetery in Saint-Raphael.

He was joined by the presidents of Guinea and Ivory Coast, Alpha Conde and Alassane Ouattara, for a ceremony marking the 1944 operation which saw French forces take a lead role in freeing their country from Nazi Germany’s grip.

Only a handful of French soldiers had taken part in the Normandy invasion a few weeks earlier, which for decades overshadowed the Provence landings that were nonetheless crucial in turning the war’s tide.

The remnants of France’s free forces, alongside thousands of soldiers from its African colonies, made up the bulk of the Allied force for what was code named Operation Dragoon.

“For decades these African fighters did not have the glory and the esteem they deserved for their bravery,” Macron said, adding that through their spilled blood, “France has a part of Africa in it”.

He urged the mayors of towns and cities to name streets and public squares in honour of soldiers from Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco as well as West Africa.

“These men make all of Africa proud, and express the essence of France: a commitment, a love of liberty and greatness, a spirit of resistance united by courage,” Macron said.

Richard Imbert, a 94-year-old veteran who attended the ceremony, welcomed Macron’s speech.

“People only talk about the Americans. We’ve kind of forgotten the Africans, it’s a good idea to name streets after them!” Imbert said.

– ‘Nancy has a stiff neck’ –

Besides accelerating the German retreat, the Mediterranean landings were hugely symbolic for a French nation eager to emphasise its role in its own liberation.

“After the humiliating defeat of 1940, seeing a French army free national territory showed the entire world that France has the ability to fight with an established army,” said Florimond Calendini, director of the national memorial of the landings, in Toulon.

Some 450,000 Allied soldiers and more than 2,000 ships took part in Operation Dragoon, including 250,000 French fighters, with most of the rest from the US.

The French launched the assault shortly after midnight on August 15 by scrabbling up the rocky cliffs at Cap Negre.

Resistance fighters in the south had been alerted to the impending offensive the night before, when underground radio sent a series of coded messages using seemingly anodine phrases such as “Nancy has a stiff neck.”

As during the Normandy landings, locals would play a key role in harassing German forces as they fell back, helping the Allied soldiers to advance must faster than in the north.

Hitler ordered a retreat from southern France as soon as August 17, except for the strategic ports of Toulon and Marseille, but these fell within 10 days.

“In less than two weeks, all of Provence was liberated. It was a huge surprise for the Allies,” Calendini said.

– Overlooked legacy –

At the time, France’s “Army B” consisted of nearly 600,000 men, two-thirds of them from African garrisons in countries still under French colonial rule.

The force included 233,000 “Muslims”, as they were referred to at the time — including Moroccan battalions and infantry sections from Algeria, as well as fighters from Senegal and other West African colonies.

There were also so-called Marsouins (“porpoises”), recruits from France’s territories in the Pacific and the Caribbean.

African troops in particular paid a heavy price, with 55,000 killed during World War II.

(LtoR) The leaders of Guinea, France and Ivory Coast attend a ceremony marking the 75th anniversary of the Allied landings in Provence during World War II on Thursday

A Red Cross volunteer sprays water on a veteran during the ceremony at the Boulouris national cemetery in Saint-Raphael

Moroccan Goumier (light infantry) soldiers were among the 233,000 “Muslims” who took part in the southern France landings


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