Thursday, March 6

London Welcomes the Moroccan initiative, Morocco confirmed its serious efforts to settle the Sahara issue

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The serious and credible efforts made by Morocco to settle the Sahara issue were welcomed in Britain, where the Polisario mercenaries continue to wipe serious setbacks.

If the coalition government led by the Conservative Party continued to support UN efforts to reach a mutually acceptable political solution, the British Parliament has stressed its adherence to the autonomy initiative presented by Morocco in order to permanently close a record that continues to undermine the integration process in the region of North Africa.

In a report prepared for the legislative elections, held on November 25 in Morocco, the House of Commons (lower house of parliament at Westminster) stressed that “Morocco has proposed a serious initiative to advance the negotiations ( on the Sahara issue), offering autonomy to the territory under Moroccan sovereignty. “

In support of its position, the House of Commons said that Peter van Walsum, personal envoy of former UN Secretary General for the Sahara issue, concluded in 2009 that “independence was not a realistic option” to resolve the issue.

The British Parliament stressed that the government of Prime Minister David Cameron, while supporting the efforts of UN Secretary General and his Personal Envoy to reach a “negotiated political solution,” considers the autonomy plan presented by Morocco as “a serious and credible contribution to these efforts.”

The Arab spring strengthens the position of Morocco

Also, think-tanks and observers stressed that Morocco, strong political reforms he has courageously implemented, was reinforced in its position by the events that the Arab region has known in the context of the Arab spring.

The Economist Intelligence Unit has aptly noted that the Moroccan positions were strengthened, especially in the Sahara, following developments in the region.

“Morocco has gained confidence in his position, offering a level of autonomy and decentralization in the Sahara region,” said the think-tank.

The same evaluation was made by Chris Barham, a member of the International Strategic Studies Association (ISSA), who stressed that the vast program of economic and political reforms undertaken by Morocco in the entire country makes obsolete theses Polisario separatists.

Mr. Barham, who had traveled to Morocco to observe the elections of November 25, told MAP that his time enabled him to read, in the field of socio-economic progress made in the southern provinces where the population lives in peace and security, contributing to the growth of the entire United.

The process of economic and political development led by Morocco in its territory speaks for itself, a situation that leaves no doubt as to the Moroccan southern provinces.

“Through what I found on site and given the positive developments in Morocco and the regional situation in general, the Polisario separatists have no reason to be,” said Barham.

A serious blow to separatists

UK Parliament

Observers will remember how the Polisario separatists were rolled at a meeting in the British Parliament, where stakeholders were expected to defend their thesis recognized the fallacy of Morocco demonstrated progress in the field of political and democratic reform.

Paul Whiteway, who heads the group “Independent Diplomat,” an entity that supports the Polisario, tried unsuccessfully to introduce the momentum of democracy that existed in the Arab region since the beginning of the year as a “windfall” for separatists to make their voices heard.

The speaker had no choice but to recognize the undeniable progress of Morocco in the field of political and democratic reform, when he stressed that the Kingdom “has successfully met the demands for reform”.

“The reforms initiated by Morocco and approved by referendum, were largely welcomed by the international community,” he acknowledged, noting that Western countries and headed by the United States “consider Morocco as a model for countries in the region. ”

Other experts, including Ms. Catriona Drew, lecturer in international law at the London School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) estimated that autonomy can serve as a form of self-determination.

Recalling that the Security Council the UN had described as “serious and credible” autonomy plan that Morocco has put on the table after an impasse that lasted for years, responding to the call of the international community find an alternative to the referendum option which has been proven inapplicable, the expert has joined the conclusion was reached Peter van Walsum that “independence is not a realistic option.”

The subversive role

Denounced the Polisario

In addition, journalists, analysts and British parliamentarians denounced the subversive activities of the separatist gente in the region of North Africa and the Sahel.

Thus, MP Mark Pritchard, Conservative Party, in power, announced the support of the Polisario mercenaries forces of the former Libyan regime and their involvement in the repression practiced by the regime against the innocent.

Referring to a report by the Organisation of the Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), the MP said that hundreds of Polisario mercenaries fought in the ranks of forces loyal to former Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi.

The major British newspapers including the Daily Telegraph and The Independent have relayed information that the majority of mercenaries recruited by former Libyan regime were members of the Polisario.

The British press denounced the separatists reached an agreement with the former strongman of Tripoli to provide hundreds of mercenaries, with the consent of the Algerian army for his assistance to cross the border via a corridor Discreet and secure.

The involvement proved the Polisario in the abduction of Western citizens in the Sahel region has also been denounced by British analysts, who saw in it a clue to the dangers threatening the region because of the actions of the separatists and their links increasingly clear with terrorist organizations.


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