Monday, March 3

Leadership Council Voices Admiration For HM The King’s Determination To Achieve Moroccans’ Dignity

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Washington (MAP) – The Leadership Council for Human Rights has expressed its “admiration for the determination shown by His Majesty King Mohammed VI to achieve the dignity of the Moroccan people through a deep and comprehensive social policy.”

“The King has been personally working on the ground on a daily basis to ascertain the smooth running of strategic projects like the construction of social housing, basic services (electricity, sanitation, roads, dams, desalination plants), the creation of hospitals, of medical and educational facilities for the disabled, cultural centers and vocational training, and sports facilities,” the Council’s president Porter Cameron said in a statement on Monday.

In a regional context marked by the Arab spring, the Council welcomed the appointment by HM King Mohammed VI of a new elected government in accordance with the aspirations of the Moroccan people, insisting that the Kingdom of Morocco stands out as a regional model for democracy and the maintenance of social balance which counteracts the social dysfunctions that lead to radical tendencies.

Moreover, Porter Cameron applauded HM the King’s efforts to integrate environmental protection into the equation of economic development which is underscored by the cutting edge solar projects in Morocco.


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