Wednesday, January 15

Kosmos Energy Announces First Quarter 2012 Results

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Kosmos Energy Announces First Quarter 2012 Results

DALLAS, May 07, 2012 (BUSINESS WIRE) — Kosmos Energy KOS +1.54% announced today financial and operating results for the first quarter of 2012, including a net loss attributable to common shareholders of $38 million, or $0.10 per basic and diluted share. This compares to a net loss attributable to common unit holders of $71 million for the first quarter of 2011. Net cash provided by operating activities was $145 million for the first quarter of 2012, as compared to net cash used in operating activities of $10 million in the same period of last year.

Highlights for the quarter ended March 31, 2012, include:

— Sold one Jubilee lifting, totaling 931 thousand barrels of oil, at a realized price of $124.30 per barrel

— Performed an acid stimulation on one of the Phase 1 wells at Jubilee

— Drilled the successful Enyenra-4A appraisal well, confirming a significant downdip extension of the Enyenra oil field

— Flow tested the Owo-1RA well (discovery well of the Enyenra oil field) at more than 20 thousand barrels of oil per day combined from three zones

— Discovered a significant oil leg in the Ntomme field with the Ntomme-2A well

— Expanded the Company’s onshore Cameroon acreage position with the 320 thousand acre Fako block, adjacent to Kosmos’ existing acreage on the Ndian River Block

— Captured significant new acreage offshore Mauritania, adding 6.7 million gross acres to the Company’s exploration portfolio

— Completed a 4,940 square kilometer 3D seismic acquisition program offshore Morocco in the Agadir Basin

Brian F. Maxted, Chief Executive Officer, said, “Our first quarter results included a number of significant results for Kosmos, as we made good progress on our 2012 initiatives. We have continued to strengthen our portfolio of exploration opportunities with new acreage acquired onshore Cameroon and offshore Mauritania, and we recently completed our 3D seismic acquisition offshore Morocco. At the TEN project on Deepwater Tano, we have had exceptional appraisal results, and we are progressing to submit the Plan of Development in the near future.”

Maxted commented further, “We generated strong cash flows in the quarter, despite being in an underlifted position, with our crude continuing to trade above Brent. As part of our production enhancement program at Jubilee, we have had encouraging early results from the acid stimulation program, and we and our partners are planning additional acid stimulations through the second quarter. At the same time, we are implementing the next phase of development at the field, with first production from phase 1A expected in the third quarter this year. In addition, our exciting 2012 exploration campaign is just in front of us, with a number of impactful prospects in the near-term between our Ghana and Cameroon programs.”

First quarter 2012 oil revenues were $116 million, up 25 percent from the first quarter of 2011. Kosmos sold one lifting in the first quarter of both 2012 (931 thousand barrels) and 2011 (989 thousand barrels). The first quarter 2012 lifting priced at $124.30 per barrel, or a premium to Dated Brent of approximately $1.10 per barrel. Realized pricing for the first quarter 2011 lifting was $93.56 per barrel. Kosmos was underlifted in the first quarter of 2012 by approximately 450 thousand net barrels, as field production was higher than sales volumes due to the timing of the Company’s liftings.

Production expense for the first quarter of 2012 was $7 million, or $7.87 per barrel sold. The per barrel rate was down significantly from the first quarter of 2011, primarily as a result of the purchase of the Jubilee floating, production, storage and offloading vessel (FPSO) in late 2011, which capitalized the asset and ceased all forward lease payments. In addition, the Company encountered certain field startup costs that impacted the 2011 period as well.

Exploration expense in the first quarter of 2012 was $40 million, with a significant portion of the costs related to the Company’s 3D seismic acquisition offshore Morocco in the Agadir Basin, as well as other geologic and geophysical costs in the Company’s other regions. Also included in exploration expenses for the first quarter of 2012 is a portion of costs associated with the Teak-4A appraisal well. General and administrative costs were $39 million for the quarter ended March 31, 2012, of which over 50 percent was non-cash, equity-based compensation. Depletion and depreciation expense was $32 million in the first quarter of 2012, up from the first quarter of 2011 primarily as a result of the capitalization of the Jubilee FPSO in late 2011 and the ongoing capital spending for development of the field. In addition, the recording of year-end 2011 reserves impacted the 2012 depletion rate.

The Company’s income tax expense for the first quarter of 2012 was $16 million, which primarily represented expense incurred in the Company’s Ghana operations.

Conference Call and Webcast Information

Kosmos will host a conference call and webcast to discuss first quarter 2012 financial and operating results today at 10:00 a.m. Central time (11:00 a.m. Eastern time). A live webcast of the event can be accessed on the Investors page of Kosmos’ website at . The dial-in telephone number for the call is +1.877.407.3982. Callers outside the United States should dial +1.201.493.6780. A replay of the webcast will be available on the Investors page of Kosmos’ website for approximately 90 days following the event.

About Kosmos Energy

Kosmos Energy is a leading independent oil and gas exploration and production company focused on frontier and emerging areas in Africa and South America. The Company’s asset portfolio includes existing production, major discoveries and exploration prospects offshore Ghana, as well as exploration licenses with significant hydrocarbon potential offshore Mauritania, Morocco and Suriname and onshore Cameroon. Kosmos is listed on the New York Stock Exchange and is traded under the ticker symbol KOS. For additional information, visit .

Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. All statements, other than statements of historical facts, included in this press release that address activities, events or developments that the Company expects, believes or anticipates will or may occur in the future are forward-looking statements. The Company’s estimates and forward-looking statements are mainly based on its current expectations and estimates of future events and trends, which affect or may affect its businesses and operations. Although the Company believes that these estimates and forward-looking statements are based upon reasonable assumptions, they are subject to several risks and uncertainties and are made in light of information currently available to the Company. When used in this press release, the words “anticipate,” “believe,” “intend,” “expect,” “plan,” “will” or other similar words are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Such statements are subject to a number of assumptions, risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond the control of the Company, which may cause actual results to differ materially from those implied or expressed by the forward-looking statements. Further information on such assumptions, risks and uncertainties is available in the Company’s Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) filings. The Company’s SEC filings are available on the Company’s website at . Kosmos undertakes no obligation and does not intend to update or correct these forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances occurring after the date of this press release, except as required by applicable law. You are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date of this press release. All forward-looking statements are qualified in their entirety by this cautionary statement.

                                                      Kosmos Energy Ltd.
                                             Consolidated Statements of Operations
                                      (in thousands, except per share amounts, unaudited)
                                                                                          Three Months Ended
                                                                                               March 31,
                                                                                       2012                2011
                                                                                ------------------  ------------------
        Revenues and other income:
           Oil and gas revenue                                                     $ 115,771           $  92,569
           Interest income                                                               746               2,354
           Other income                                                                   30                 487
                                                                                     -------             -------
              Total revenues and other income                                        116,547              95,410
        Costs and expenses:
           Oil and gas production                                                      7,326              19,995
           Exploration expenses                                                       39,644               8,432
           General and administrative                                                 39,323              13,287
           Depletion and depreciation                                                 31,649              23,498
           Amortization - deferred financing costs                                     2,194               9,611
           Interest expense                                                           13,058              20,258
           Derivatives, net                                                            3,860               8,871
           Loss on extinguishment of debt                                                 --              59,643
           Other expenses, net                                                           748                 (23)
                                                                                     -------             ------- ----
                                                                                     137,802             163,572
              Total costs and expenses
                                                                                     -------             -------
        Loss before income taxes                                                     (21,255)           (68,162)
           Income tax expense (benefit)                                               16,286             (13,511)
                                                                                     -------             ------- ----
        Net loss                                                                     (37,541)           (54,651)
        Accretion to redemption value of convertible preferred units                      --             (16,847)
                                                                                     -------             ------- ----
        Net loss attributable to common shareholders/unit holders                  $ (37,541)         $ (71,498)
                                                                                ==== ======= ====   ==== ======= ====
        Net loss per share attributable to common shareholders:
        Basic                                                                      $   (0.10)               N/A
                                                                                ==== ======= ====
        Diluted                                                                    $   (0.10)               N/A
                                                                                ==== ======= ====
        Weighted average number of shares used to compute net loss per share:
        Basic                                                                        369,227                 N/A
        Diluted                                                                      369,227                 N/A

                                      Kosmos Energy Ltd.
                             Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets
                                   (in thousands, unaudited)
                                                        March 31,       December 31,
                                                          2012              2011
                                                     -------------    ---------------
        Current assets:
              Cash and cash equivalents                 $   745,288        $   673,092
              Receivables, net                              129,206            310,155
              Other current assets                          131,784            129,234
                                                          ---------          ---------
        Total current assets                              1,006,278          1,112,481
        Property and equipment - net                      1,393,821          1,377,041
        Other noncurrent assets                              64,935             62,412
                                                          ---------          ---------
        Total assets                                    $ 2,465,034        $ 2,551,934
                                                     ==== =========   ====== =========
        Liabilities and shareholders' equity
        Current liabilities:
              Accounts payable                          $   201,292        $   278,006
              Accrued liabilities                            39,556             37,194
              Other current liabilities                      24,326             24,407
                                                          ---------          ---------
        Total current liabilities                           265,174            339,607
        Long-term liabilities:
              Long-term debt                              1,110,000          1,110,000
              Deferred tax liability                         47,751             47,608
              Other noncurrent liabilities                   37,420             33,993
                                                          ---------          ---------
        Total long-term liabilities                       1,195,171          1,191,601
        Total shareholders' equity                        1,004,689          1,020,726
                                                          ---------          ---------
        Total liabilities and shareholders' equity      $ 2,465,034        $ 2,551,934
                                                     ==== =========   ====== =========

                                                    Kosmos Energy Ltd.
                                      Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flow
                                                 (in thousands, unaudited)
                                                                                     Three Months Ended
                                                                                          March 31,
                                                                                 2012                 2011
                                                                          ------------------  ---------------------
        Operating activities:
        Net loss                                                             $ (37,541)         $    (54,651)
        Adjustments to reconcile net loss to cash provided by (used in)
        operating activities:
           Depletion, depreciation and amortization                             33,843                 33,109
           Deferred income taxes                                                 7,713                (13,657)
           Unsuccessful well costs                                               8,270                  3,444
           Derivative related activity                                            (377)               11,256
           Equity-based compensation                                            21,290                    436
           Loss on extinguishment of debt                                            -                 59,643
           Other                                                                 3,097                    (88)
        Changes in assets and liabilities:
           Net changes in working capital                                      108,608                (49,529)
                                                                               -------             ---------- ----
        Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities                    144,903                (10,037)
        Investing activities:
        Oil and gas assets                                                     (68,070)             (115,645)
        Other property                                                          (3,110)                 (427)
        Notes receivable                                                             -                  1,726
        Restricted cash                                                             72                112,000
                                                                               -------             ----------
        Net cash used in investing activities                                  (71,108)               (2,346)
        Financing activities:
        Borrowings under long-term debt                                              -              1,393,000
        Payments on long-term debt                                                   -             (1,138,000)
        Deferred financing costs                                                (1,599)              (52,328)
                                                                               ------- ----        ---------- ----
        Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities                     (1,599)              202,672
                                                                               ------- ----        ----------
        Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                               72,196                190,289
        Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period                       673,092                100,415
                                                                               -------             ----------
        Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                           $ 745,288           $    290,704
                                                                          ==== =======        ==== ==========

SOURCE: Kosmos Energy Ltd.

        Kosmos Energy 
        Investor Relations 
        Brad Whitmarsh, +1-214-445-9772



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