Monday, February 24

King should lead political transformation

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Swazi Observer

By Hlengiwe Kunene

Sive Siyinqaba strongly believes that there is no other person who can better lead Swaziland’s political transformation than His Majesty King Mswati III. In a statement, the organisation could not hide its admiration for the King of Morocco, who recently led the political transformation of his country. “We greatly admire the proactive leadership displayed by the King of Morocco in facilitating political transformation. The late president Mwalimi Julius Nyerere of Tanzania is another great example of a head who led transformation from which Swaziland can derive inspiration for national transformation. Nyerere accepted and ‘owned’ the failure of the then political system (socialism/ujammah) of governance, but then led the political transformation/change process,” the organisation said. Closer home, Sive Siyinqaba hailed South African former president Frederick de Klerk President for leading that country to a political turn-around. In its message for 2012, Sive Siyinqaba say they strongly believes that it is possible for the Monarchy to co-exist with a system where political parties are given their freedom. The organisation registered its concern with the Tinkhundla system of governance. The organisation’s Chairman Musa Nkhambule described the system as being very prone to abuse.



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