Sunday, March 16


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King Mohammed VI

Welcome King Of Hearts Guest Of Your Brothers

KUWAIT CITY, Oct 22: Welcome King of Hearts to the land of kings and princes of the Gulf Cooperation Council countries. This title is not a gift from us. This title comes from the GCC nations and the people of Morocco, an evidence of cohesion and unity between these nations and their rulers.

Welcome King of Hearts Mohammed VI to the land of GCC countries. Although your visit was long overdue, we know you have been busy keenly following up the affairs of your promising kingdom.

As in the past, we have been following your every movement — in the cities and various places checking on the gigantic projects in addition to following up the general affairs of this great nation including all constituents of progress.

However, it lacks only an economic thought to issue directives to utilize such capabilities of progress and urge determination to achieve and bolster progress in your country in the field of science, industry and agriculture and grant it all the constituents of modern technology to harness them to serve the future generations.

King of Hearts, we have been following up your economic ambitions to which you have devoted much time and effort. This is in addition to make Morocco green and achieve the target of 10 million tourists, economic openness and elements of modern knowledge to enable Moroccans develop their Iifestyle.
You are also keen to instill principles of justice and equality among all groups of society. This, however, has created a mutual relationship of intimacy between you and your subjects. Therefore we see everyday the fruit of this ambition epitomized in several new projects and more loyalty to their king and guardian.
Wise King, we eagerly followed what was happening in Morocco when the so-called Arab spring spread like wild fire and how you managed to strike at the head of the hidden dirty hands who wanted to involve your country in a chaotic violence as it happened in other Arab countries.

We saw how you took the initiative during the early hours of this chaos by issuing a series of constitutional reforms setting an example for others under the watchful eyes of the international community.

Indisputably, the reforms which you have approved spell a bright future for your kingdom for decades, therefore, your subjects have applauded your initiatives and professed their love to their country and put a clamp on the bigmouths who wanted to manipulate the internal position of the country.

Your people are reassured that the one who rules them is a king who has prioritized the interests of his homeland.

We welcome you, wise King to the land of GCC where you will find us listening to you and your entire entourage. We will all tackle eagerly the economic, industrial agricultural and investment files to open more horizons of collaboration between our counties and your kingdom — the gate of the Arab world to Africa and the European Union.

Morocco undoubtedly is an attractive country for investment, thanks to its capabilities and the umbrella of stability which you provide to your countrymen, therefore you will find a great interaction from your brothers in GCC states.

We trust your Morocco will not be satisfied with just 10 million tourists because your field tours and close followup of all projects will make all people increase or multiply this number to receive more tourists from all over the world to enjoy the Moroccan hospitality, security and safety.

Moreover, we trust that a green Morocco can become one of the most important agricultural countries in the world and this is a motivation for any GCC investor for experiment in this sector.

Oh King, this issue requires simple procedures like modifying the law of agricultural lands to be available for your family and sons in GCC countries to increase investments in this essential sector. Moreover, there should be another amendment in the employment law to establish a correct relationship between the employer and the employee away from malice.

There should be another amendment to rental law to enable each Moroccan to get appropriate accommodation to establish a relationship protected by law between a lessor and a lessee.

Dear King, the investments of GCC states in your country need your personal follow up for these funds to continue flowing into your beautiful and promising country instead of keeping them in countries where the future is unknown.

Dear King, those who have acquired development in their countries and exerted tremendous efforts in this regard are great leaders who have become examples because they have looked at the future with the eyes of the coming generation.

They have converted the dreams of their nations into gigantic projects and you will not be far from those great leaders due to the efforts you have exerted to develop Morocco.

Those who have followed your daily activities will realize to what extent you are interested in all areas of development to resume the journey of progress which you had started several years ago.

Welcome King of the Moroccan, Gulf citizens and Arab hearts. We don’t want to flatter you by calling you the king of international hearts.

We welcome you among us. We were waiting for this visit and encourage you to visit us again and again to keep the line of communications open among brothers to exchange opinions and viewpoints.

Dear King, you have a great status in our hearts. The manner in which you were received by the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, its nation and the government, the same awaits you in the State of Kuwait, its Amir and the nation.

You will also be received with the same zeal by the State of Qatar and the United Arab Emirates. You are wise king and dear to us and we do appreciate your abilities and ambition. We respect your vision for the promising future of your country and its good people.

King of Morocco, Welcome, welcome, welcome…
By: Ahmed Al-Jarallah Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times



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