Thursday, March 6

Kasbah Resources awards engineering contract for Achmmach, DFS underway

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Kasbah Resources awards engineering contract for Achmmach, DFS underway

by Bevis Yeo

Kasbah Resources (ASX: KAS) has awarded the Engineering Cost Estimation and Definitive Feasibility Study contract for its Achmmach Tin project in Morocco to DRA Pacific (DRA).

“The award of this package of works marks the formal commencement of the Achmmach DFS,” Kasbah chief operating officer Mike Kitney said.

“Bulk scale metallurgical work is now underway and Kasbah looks forward to working with the DRA Pacific team in optimising the project design. The DFS is expected to be complete by the last quarter of calendar 2013.”

DRA was founded in South Africa in 1984 and is a leading multi-disciplinary engineering and project management group of companies, with a strong African focus.

It has extensive experience in mine and infrastructure design with a strong processing capability. This includes base metals, coal, chrome, diamonds, gold, platinum, iron ore, uranium and phosphates with DRA being the leader in gravity separation.

Achmmach Tin Project

Notable results from recent drilling at Achmmach have included 10.5 metres at 3.13% tin from 203.5 metres including 3 metres at 6.71% tin from 208.5 metres at 2570mE and 11.5 metres at 2.22% tin from 305.5 metres including 4.6 metres at 4.49% tin from 308.4 metres at 2650mE.

The results from 2570mE confirmed continuity of mineralisation within section and along strike while 2650mE returned higher grade intercepts than previously modelled.

Drilling continues to the east from 2810mE to 3300mE.

This drilling tests the Inferred Resource between 2400mE and 3300mE to upgrade Inferred Resources to Indicated status.

Achmmach had JORC Inferred and Indicated Resources of 14.6 million tonnes at 0.9% tin for 135,000 tonnes of contained tin as of March 2012.

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