Monday, February 24

Is HODA the right path for a Dutch-Moroccan glossy? (Radio Netherlands)

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…She thinks Dutch women’s magazine are generally “too white”. They also don’t deal with the issues that affect the lives of Dutch-Moroccan women. That is why she has set up a glossy for this group of women between 18 and 35. “I wanted to make something that young Moroccan women can identify with. Not just a magazine full of white blonds. So there are also models with darker skins and a more Arab appearance in it.” Most of the pages are dedicated to lifestyle in Hoda (which means ‘guide’ or ‘right path’). (…)HODA is meant for young women whether or not they wear a headscarf. Both groups should be able to identify with the magazine. Ms Hamdaoui says her magazine is ‘safer’ than other Dutch magazines. So you won’t find much bareness it it. And some issues will be treated differently. Ms Hamdaoui: “We are less likely to use the word ‘boyfriend’, we would probably talk about a ‘fiancé’ or ‘husband- to- be’. And the headlines will probably not mention sex, we’ll probably find a more respectable way to present stories for Moroccan women.”


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