Wednesday, January 22

Increased EU support for the Moroccan Government’s sectoral reforms

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European Commission

Press release

Brussels – The Commission has adopted its 2012 action programme for Morocco. With a total budget of EUR 112 million, the programme is designed to support the Moroccan Government’s reform efforts in two areas: on the one hand, forest management and protection and, on the other, public administration and the management of government finances.

In the view of Štefan Füle, Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighbourhood Policy, ‘these new allocations accurately reflect the priorities of the EU-Morocco partnership in the new neighbourhood policy: more effective government action in closer touch with the people of Morocco, plus Moroccan regional development, with a balanced use of the country’s natural resources’.

With funds of EUR 37 million, the Support Programme for Forestry Policy will bolster the efforts already made by the Moroccan Government to reverse the damage to forestry resources and improve the income and living conditions of people living within these vulnerable ecosystems. In particular, it will help improve conservation and the development of existing forestry resources and, by placing a premium on products derived from sustainable forestry, encourage local people to get more involved in decisions affecting their own environment.

Through the ‘Hakama’ (‘Governance’) programme, backed by a budget of EUR 75 million, it will be possible to continue mobilising public funds more fairly and effectively and to manage public spending with increased efficiency and transparency, particularly through the implementation of the Organic Budget Law due to be adopted in the course of 2012. The programme will also help improve the quality of public services.

In addition to this EUR 112 million, the European Commission has allocated EUR 80 million to Morocco under the SPRING programme (Support for Partnership, Reform and Inclusive Growth). This additional allocation, announced by Commissioner Stefan Füle at the most recent Association Council meeting, held in April, comes in recognition of Morocco’s reforms. The SPRING programme, equipped with a total budget of more than EUR 500 million for the period 2011-2013, is designed to provide increased support for the Southern Mediterranean countries engaged in the democratisation process.

For more information

Website of EuropeAid – Development and Cooperation DG:


European Neighbourhood Policy:

Contact person

Nadia Dupuis

Delegation of the European Union

Phone: +212.537.57.98.00


Peter Stano (+32 2 295 74 84)



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